We live in a world where marketing is invading us with organic, natural products but we must be careful, learn how to read labels and go for better choices.

Taking care of our health also deals with what we put on our skin.

What ingredients are in the products you use for personal care? Take one of the products you use, go to the internet and search some of the ingredients and how harmful they can be.

The skin is the largest organ in our body. Lets be conscious and more responsible with what we put on it.

I am sharing a very simple recipe with natural ingredients to make your own body scrub.


You need the following ingredients:

  • 12 drops Lemon Essential Oil
  • ½ cup Raw Sugar
  • ¼ cup Virgin Coconut Oil
  • 4 oz Glass Mason Jar


Follow the instructions and enjoy this natural body scrub:

  1. Put the raw sugar, coconut oil and lemon essential oil into a glass bowl
  2. Mix the ingredients together
  3. Place the mixture into the jar
  4. Use this invigorating scrub to exfoliate your body


Enjoy it!